
Missions Works! God chose to give us the Great Commission. He chose to use weak vessels to carry out the greatest task on earth and because He initiated the plan, it will be accomplished. The purpose of this blog is find ways in which we may be more efficient in this task. We would like to generate healthy conversation that will result in more results for our resources. While no article written here will perfect our missions methods, we pray that we can network together to more efficiently use our resources for the spread of the gospel. While there are many topics explored in this site, the top trends to raise our efficiency are listed both above and below to the right as links that can take you to an article explaining the why and how. Please, feel free to comment on articles and share this site within your network of Pastors/missionaries/friends.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Crucial Conversations

In Brazil at our conference for missionaries we took a course called Crucial Conversations. Basically it said that there is a need for conversations that are hard to have and many times we take the sucker's choice or the easiest way out and just don't have those conversations. In Missions today, we need to have some crucial conversations about how things are being done. The fact is, there is no quick fix, or easy way out to the missions system that we do have right now. It is going to take some conversation and hard work; but I believe that this conversation and hard work is essential to the future of biblical missions in the USA. I would not say we are on a sinking ship with missions today, but it definitely is not a cruise liner!

This blog is going to address some main areas in missions that need conversation. Please add your comments. Please email me with ideas. Please think of new topics that need to be discussed. Please share these pages with other Pastors, missionaries and friends or foes interested in missions. We need these topics discussed and action taken as we work to better our mission trends.